Bildungsroman- coming if age, maturity, childhood to adulthood
In this society we don't have a ceremonial ritual to adulthood, important to think culturally
Now a matter of psychology
Imagining of what his life could be like, but he doesn't see what I will require from him. Childlike- idealism. Pure, mysterious.
Pip strong sense of unwanted. More sensitive and intelligent than others.
Normal life isn't going to fulfill him and doesn't wan the short end of the stick. Doesn't have a normal expectation.
Adopts adult males to see what father is like:
Magwhich- threat of adulthood, not governed by civilization, capacity for wickedness and brutality. Animal need to survive. Threat of abandonment. Pip will be alone w/o him, says something about what pip might become.
Haveasham- fraud, shame. Which like. Horrible decay. Hughes poem. Shining promise, potential to fairy godmother character. Dedicates her life to preservation of loss, memorial to dead hope, everything left the same in her house. Trained Estella to be a destroyer of men. Duel possibility of adulthood. They're not what they see. Dichotomy. Doesn't speak truthfully about either of them bc they remind him of his beginnings.
Pip's name- seed. Not what he's become yet.
Wanting to be of something more. Relates back to society and wanting.
Give and take. M&M are gone. He has to be active. Meets joe gargery and jaggers. J in Roman alphabet." I ". Pip identifies with each of them. Joe- blacksmith. Honest work, physical power. Lives by feeling. Goes with heart. Doesn't judge by appearances. Romantic. Poetic view. Emotions and metaphors. Don't see him a financial success, rich emotional life and content. Jaggers- knows things about people, it can hurt them, holds that power over people to keep them. Lives by letter of law. Evidence an logic. Cold. Not emotions. Needs others to spell things out. Makes it hard on others. Estella, Molly, early magwich, ms havasham. He doesn't believe in people and ideas. Only facts. Both come across mother and baby in need of help. Joe keeps both jaggers splits them for personal gain. Foils. Jagger's to pip businessman.
Wemmick off of jaggers. Foil to himself. At home, old nostalgic. Ability to maintain both philosophies during day. Pip tries to identify, good friend but robot. Magwich represents pip under worse circumstances. Orphan, too. Took fire and left cold. Double life, evil life of childhood and happy life after pip enters.
Begins to create a resolution. Multiple conflicts, less action and more mindset of protagonist.
Miss Haveasham not fairy godmother. Estella not for him nor pure, daughter of bad. Magwich has created Pips expectations. Pip understanding recycled Intergenerational conflict. Must find out for himself. Things aren't that simple.
He doesn't think like jagger, flower from dung. Joe already realized this. Moral universe is complicated. Worth not like money. Caste system. Pip shows his change in attitudes toward jaggers and joe. He is not like them bec he is a fantasist.
Joe and jaggers ready to accept consequences of actions. Pip responds with difficulties by avoiding and not committing. Like Holden. He talks about things and see that he's not perfect. Pip doesn't get it yet. His autobiography is a confession. Pain of what he didn't go through then. Reminds himself of own history so no repeating. Now, pip doesn't end up with Estella. Returns to the forge There's a child named pip. New seed.
Reflection. Pip has to sort.
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