Friday, September 12, 2014

Young Goodman Brown Notes/Symbolism

"And Faith, as the wife was aptly named" already symbolism- faith symbol religious
"pink ribbons" innocence via Hannah in class
"blessed angel on earth...follow her to heaven" Christianity roots
description of the dark forest- foreshadows bad
"what if the devil himself should be at my very elbow" foreshadow
snake staff, "living serpent"- devil, biblical reference
"take my staff" wants him to lean on the devil for support
"covenant" biblical reference=promise
elder person helped the earlier generations do such awful things to others; they were Puritans but were cruel to those who thought differently
GB defends his faith, but corruption is introduced to him
he always has "Faith" to refer to and hold dear
good symbol of what's right- Goody Cloyse "moral and spiritual adviser"
Where is he actually going?!

She knew the devil right away, but he recognized her as an old friend and she doesn't deny that
he's in the image of Goodman Brown
he offers his staff to her- giving in to the devil (i thought that the snake ate her)
"'That old woman taught me catechism,' said the young man; and there was a world of meaning in this simple comment." confusion, mixed thoughts and feelings, most right turned wrong
he doesn't want to go any farther, what's he getting himself into?, realizes that she chose to go with the devil, he questions the people that he knows, outside layer of people aren't who you think they are, is he to leave his faith?
he runs away from his companion
he came with a "guilty purpose" but "turned away" now wished he was with Faith
the religious and others aren't doing their jobs
"he looked up to the sky, doubting whether there really was a heaven above him." he can't believe what he's hearing
"with heaven above and Faith below, i will yet stand firm against the devil"
cloud- darkness, symbol of bad, foreshadowing, weather change, but only over him, change only occurring with/to him
voices "both pious and ungodly" lines no longer distinct  between good and bad
lamentation- weeping, biblical reference
Faith under pad pressure, scream then laughter
pink ribbon
Goodman Brown is fighting back
he's transforming a little and racing toward something? "thus sped the demoniac"
"desert"- isolation
alter- symbolic, religion, opposite use
diverse spectrum of people from one end of the spectrum to the other, all brought together for a purpose
where's his faith in religion, good vs bad?
all good turns bad
fire- hell symbol
"bring forth the converts" converting back to sin and nonchristianity
obviously in the presence of the devil
"my children" Godly term
everyone has their dark sides, Hawthorne uses extremes to convey this message
devil wants them to consciously sin
Faith is there
he cling to "faith" and she to him
devil says evil is innate
he's trying to baptize them
GB tells faith to resist=good but he doesn't know if it works
wakes up in real life now and knows things
pink ribbons and sipping, almost kiss in public
he really never became happy, he was weighed down by the ever knowing presence of sin, full of mistrust like taking the child away
not a happy ending

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