Tuesday, August 19, 2014


  • Useless information stinks, good things that come with conditions are a hassle and pointless
  • Where is the line drawn to doing whatever you want with your own body? When it can harm others? Drugs, selling your body?
  • So we do not have legal rights to our opinions
  • Fallacy= mistaken belief
  • Preemptively= take an action in order to prevent from happening
  • Saying "I have the right to my opinion" is a subject change in itself to discussing rights we have and do not
  • It's just like stating the obvious- like duh you can have your opinion, but what about it/ so what
  • nobody can win an argument if a person ends on their "right to an opinion"
  • Epistemic= of or relating to knowledge or to the degree of its validation
  • you can only use it as a point in the argument if there's well-supporting evidence. Entitlement. That's when it's okay, but it's almost always used because everyone thinks that having an opinion means it's a valid truth 
  • this opinion "right" has no duties entailed/imposed on others, therefore not a right because it doesn't say that anyone else has to do something because you have an opinion
  • people are so concerned w/being right all of the time (pride, vanity, etc.) that they'll end an argument on a note where they don't lose; they're wrong but won't admit it
  • opinions are good and they belong to you, but you can't force them to be true/correct

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