Monday, August 18, 2014


1. Factors affecting my experience could be that I'm not sure whether I will have a desktop available, but I always will have my phone. This just makes everything take much longer. Also, my packed schedule for the year (sports, clubs, and other classes) is going to be challenging to finish all assignments I have.

2. A learning experience that I will never forget was sophomore year in Byrne's class when we were reading Waiting for Godot. We had reached a point where I just wanted to know the meaning of the book and what I'm supposed to get out of it. I asked Mrs. Byrne during a class discussion and her response was that there is not one true meaning and that everyone is going to get something different from reading it. I responded with something about why they teach books if there isn't a straight forward answer and at some point right after that that I kind of started to cry out if fruatration in the class, just sitting there in front of everyone. It turned into a laugh/cry. It was a bit embarrassing because people heard about it all day, but it was a learning experience. I then realized that not everyone sees the same piece in the same way. I learned that there isn't always one answer to things and to be open and not so narrowminded. English isn't like math where there will always be an answer. 

3. I'm most excited about learning about what I can do this year. I know that there is going to be so much to do and I want to end the year looking back on that I accomplished in this class. I'm also excited to try new things, like OSL- I'm already really liking keeping my own blog. I wish that I could've had one for my English classes in the previous years. Wouldn't that be cool if all our high school English was on one blog? I'm concerned  about not get if everything done on time. I'm awful with time management and balancing my full load. Hopefully I can figure it out soon. I really am just looking forward to learning everything. I want to know stuff! From Shakespeare to the reason why ants can carry so much more than their own body weight. I know that I'll learn so much about the real world in here. I think it'll make a practical difference in my life by giving me tools that I can use later on. If I learn one thing now, I can apply it in the future. Also, since technology is so big and growing, using OSL is preparing us for college and possibly future careers. 

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